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The usual Pide/Ekmeği Ekmeği is a thicker, soft flatbread made from yeast dough. You can top pide with cheese, minced meat and other ingredients. Based on the soft Pide Ekmeği, Pide is offered in the following variations:
with Kaşar cheese, greens, tomatoes and peppers
with minced beef, Kaşar cheese, greens, tomatoes and peppers
with beef sausage, Kaşar cheese, greens, tomatoes and peppers
with minced beef, greens, tomatoes, lemon and pepper
with beef cubes, greens, tomatoes, lemon and pepper
with minced beef, green pepper, red pepper, tomato, greens, lemon
with green peppers, cheddar cheese, greens, tomatoes and peppers
Mixed pide with cubed meat, ground meat and cheese, greens, pepper, tomato and lemon
Chicken cubes, cheddar cheese, tomato, lemon, pepper
spinach, feta cheese
feta cheese, tomato, parsley, green pepper
Lahmacun (meat with dough), also called Turkish or Armenian pizza, is a flatbread made of yeast dough that is spread thinly with a spicy mixture of minced meat, parsley, onions, garlic and spices such as black pepper and isot (red pepper) before baking and then baked in a stone oven.
with minced beef and lamb, greens, tomatoes, lemon and pepper
with minced beef and lamb, garlic, greens, tomatoes, lemon and pepper
with minced beef and lamb, isot chilli, vegetables, tomatoes, lemon and pepper
Pizza is a dish of Italian origin consisting of a usually round, flat base of leavened wheat-based dough topped with tomatoes, cheese, and often various other ingredients, which is then baked at a high temperature, traditionally in a wood-fired oven.
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, salami, red pepper, black olives and mushrooms
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, tuna, onion, olives
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, sucuk
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, red pepper, green pepper, onion, mushrooms, corn, tomatoes
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, fresh mushrooms
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarela cheese, salami, mushrooms
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, mushrooms, ham
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham, corn, black olives, mushrooms
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, salami, ham, mushrooms
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham, spinach, salami, mushrooms
Note: 4x different toppings on one pizza
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, feta cheese, red pepper, black olives, onion
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham, mushrooms, egg
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, tuna, corn, onion
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham, salami, red pepper, corn
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, spinach, onion, feta cheese
Italian tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, spinach, onion, egg
Discover delicious poultry or veal dishes. These are a real delicacy in themselves, but are even more delicious when prepared correctly.
Sauteed chicken, red pepper, green pepper, tomato, mushroom, garlic, butter
Beef, red pepper, green pepper, tomato, garlic, mushroom, butter
We understand that not everyone wants or is able to drink alcohol - whether for health, religious or personal reasons - so we have put together a small number of refreshing refreshments for you. Our drinks are carefully selected to give you plenty of flavours and aromas that will appeal to you. Whether you are looking for a thirst quencher or just want something to relax and enjoy - we have the right non-alcoholic drink for you.
Drinking water has many health benefits. It helps hydrate the body, aids digestion, supports metabolism and can be flavoured with lemon, cucumber or mint. It can also help reduce appetite and help the body detoxify.
Natural Mineral Water
Mixed Fruit Fizzy drink
Şalgam, actually Şalgam Suyu ("turnip juice"), is a non-alcoholic, sour and spicy drink made from vegetables that is lightly salted. Although the term Şalgam literally means "turnip" in Turkish, this drink is not actually made from pure turnips. Black carrots, sometimes called red or purple carrots because of their appearance and variety, are the main ingredient, along with bulgur, yeast and salt.
LessAyran is a drink from the Near East, mainly from Turkey and the Caucasus. It is usually prepared on the basis of yoghurt, water and salt.